Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why you gotta be so mean?

Dear bullies everywhere,
I hate your stinking guts
You are the scum between my toes
You make me want to vomit!
In fact, I hope you all vomit
Because that is the meanest thing I can think of right now
I flipping hate bullies guys 
I just don't understand
When I see someone, anyone getting picked on, I start to see red
I really can't handle it
You have to understand...
I am the oldest in my family
I am overprotective by nature
It's kinda my job
I have seen both of my developmentally delayed siblings suffer the consequences of ignorance and bullies
Some people are just plain mean 

I am almost a social worker; I should really know and understand these things
This week was the last time I worked at my internship
I worked with the developmentally delayed population
They make me happy and help me put my life into perspective
I am really in awe of them
I truly feel that they have more of a right to be on this earth than I do
I should really be learning from their example
So when I see the kid that I am working with receive nothing but harassment and sarcasm
It gets to me
Ya know?
What makes me upset is that I will no longer be able to defend and advocate for my new friends
I really hope I made even a tiny difference in the lives of those I worked with
Even if it was only for a short while
My trials seriously seem so small compared to the lives of those I worked with
I survived another semester
I learned a ton
I hope my internship remembers me
I will not forget them

P.s. I spent this entire day doing nothing but watching criminal TV shows with my grandparents
Best. Day. Ever.
P.s.s. I have to get on a plane tomorrow
I really dislike planes with a passion
P.s.s.s Don’t be a bully okay?

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